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Game Bytes: Undertale

A game where choice is everything now has a review where choice is everything.

Warning: This review contains some "micro-spoilers" that could potentially ruin your gaming experience, those spoilers will be hidden, and you can temporarily view them by hovering them with your cursor or by tapping on it:

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Undertale is a unique game, it's an RPG that starts by us falling in the "world of monsters" and we will need to make our way through it to its exit.


Graphics are really simple and they won't make you scream "masterpiece", but the game's strong points are others.

Setup and Performance

Installing the game via Steam is absolutely painless and performance is really good, considering the game's simplicity.


This is where the game starts to flex its muscles, Toby Fox made some fantastic and memorable score that will accompany us in our journey. The score has some hidden things too ( for instance, Asgore's track contains some elements of Toriel's music, Toriel being Asgore's wife ).

Sound is good, reminiscent of the 8 bit era, but doesn't limit itself to that genre.

Gameplay and Story

The main feature of the game is that you don't need to fight anyone to be able to progress ( actually, you will be handsomely rewarded for a fully pacifist run ), giving us the "fight", "act", "item" and "spare" options and behaving exactly like a turn-based RPG.

Our actions will have an effect on the game ( sometimes surpassing our expectations ), which means our decisions are important ( for instance the consequences of a run where we don't leave anyone alive ).

While the story progresses, the game will surprise us and manage to flip on its head every single concept we had on the game itself.


This review is willingly short and willingly vague, just to make you curious to try it, I'll just leave you with the final score.

As usual, the score goes from 0 (this game is great as barbecue fuel) to 100 (all humans and their pets should have a copy of the game).

My score is: 99/100

Thanks again for reading, see you in the next post!
