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Free learning with Class Central

Let's take a look at Class Central, a search engine for free courses.

Hello everybody,

Today I want to introduce you to a search engine for free courses (including some college ones) that you can take by following a pre-estabilished time table, or self-paced.

Subjects go from self-improvement, going through medicine and health, computer science, programming and even deep learning.

You can search by keywords, as well as by category; every course includes start date, link to start, a very useful course evaluation (from 0 to 5 stars) as well as the link to check out reviews on the course itself.

There are about 6000 indexed courses, directly accessible from the "subjects" link, the courses are in english (mostly) but also other languages.

I'm leaving you with the direct link to Class Central's page as well as with a warm goodbye.

Thanks again for reading this post and see you next time!


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