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More free courses with EdX

Introducing EdX, a platform where we'll find free courses for everyone, and some surprises too.

Hello everybody, similarly to Class Central , today I want to suggest EdX, a website where you can choose a whole lot of free courses, many of them offered by famous Universities like MIT, Harvard, Berkeley and more.

This website was suggested by a dear friend of mine, who I thank deeply.

Like in Class Central, we can choose among self-paced courses, or with a pre-defined pace, about any kind of subject, like Art and Architecture, going through Computer Science and landing on Human Science and Social Science.

Among EdX's partners we can find companies like Microsoft, W3C and Red Hat; also many courses (sadly, after payment) can emit a certification that is recognized among all the involved companies.

If you want to take a look at the offer, you can visit EdX's official Page .

Thank you again for reading this post, I wish you a good day and see you in the next post!
