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OGRE - An opensource 3D engine for our projects

Introducing OGRE, a really popular Open source rendering engine, with all the features you need to create 3D videogames.

Greetings, let's keep going with our trip in the world of Game Development with a 3D rendering engine which is also Open Source: OGRE. OGRE will let you create your own 3D games using a whole lot of tools; obviously you need to know a bit of advanced C++ programming to use it well, but after learning it, this program will give you huge satisfaction.

Among OGRE's features we find:

  • Support for direct3D and OpenGL
  • Vertex/Pixel shader support
  • Loading textures from JPG, PNG and lesser known formats like Volumetric Textures
  • Particle systems
  • Much more

On the official Website you can find downloads for the SDK compatible with Visual 2008 and 2010, as well as versions compatible with iOS, MacOS and MinGW. Among the old versions you can find the one that works with the old Visual C++ 2005.

On the bottom of the SDK download page, you can find various wrappers for Java and Python, even though the best results are obtained with C++, performance-wise.

That's all, have fun!
