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GH News: Released the Pre-Alpha 4 - Mac OS Support Dropped

Today was released the new somewhat stable Pre-Alpha 4 of Glitch_Heaven: Let's see the news and happenings around this version

Today I decided Glitch_Heaven was stable enough to be released to the public in its fourth stable release, last time I made a stable release was in June , oh boy that's a lot of time.

Let's start from the one that might be a little strange for many point of views: The Mac OS support was dropped.

This has a reason, in my opinion a good one: time. Releasing a product, written in Python 3 on Mac OS is a pain, plus real life duties don't leave me much time to code the game already, I can't waste more in the trial of releasing for Mac, even worse if it's a pre-release. It takes me about 10 minutes (upload included) to draft a release on Windows, and about 10 to do so on Linux, on Mac it takes more than one. painful. hour.

There is always something that doesn't work right, some changes in the code to make, a different configuration to be made, then this doesn't look right, or that is too slow for some reason... It's just too much.

Now, kicked this out of the way, let's see what's new on this Pre-Alpha 4:

The main test campaign has been completely migrated to the new Tileset, even though I feel it feels a bit sterile and poor in general I feel it's a decent job for a Pre-Release. Then there are countless edits under the hood: the refresh rate has been officially switched from 30 to 60 Frames per second, which lead to a huge edit in all the physics compartment of the game, which is thoroughly untested by the way. Another change is the official introduction of lasers, with a very small test in the first level of the test campaign. Lasers will kill the player on touch, but a new glitch will allow to use them as a platform, and probably in the future, as a wall to climb with its own glitch, who knows.

Among the fixes and enhancements, we have less crashes, menu fixes, description that finally change when they should, optimizations and a very basic Full screen 800x600 mode.

If you want to check out the new releases, take a look at the official Glitch_Heaven page .

Take care, thanks for reading, and see you at the next post!
